by LongGrainFurniture | Aug 4, 2016
Catch Cabinet The Catch Cabinet is a highly customizable design, with dimensions and colors almost infinitely variable. This one was built for a room that is both guest’s bedroom and child’s playroom. The design allowed playful color and tidy storage at...
by LongGrainFurniture | Aug 4, 2016
PK Bookcase A nice golden pair of bookmatched elm boards plays off the cold refinement of the white [water-based] lacquered case and the chrome feet. For me, it’s flattering to be in the company of this client’s pretty interesting art...
by LongGrainFurniture | Aug 4, 2016
Bamboo Office Bookcase This was the fourth of six pieces commissioned by this couple for their Queens, NY, apartment. The husband was a passionate collector of punk rock music, and had a vast collection of CDs and LPs that was growing constantly. He chose the bamboo...
by LongGrainFurniture | Aug 4, 2016
Racetrack Shelves My hardwood salesman walked into the shop one day, looked at the drawing for these for one second, and declared them “racetrack shelves.” He’s been in the business a long time, and used to see them a lot. The retro form and color...
by LongGrainFurniture | Aug 3, 2016
Chinese Wedding Chest Several years ago, when my cousin lived in Shanghai, she brought me a book of measured drawings of traditional Chinese furniture designs. This armoire was inspired by others in that book, as well as fine examples at the Metropolitan Museum and...